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Meaning of Therapeutic

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Unethical Behaviours

Effectiveness of counsellors is tied to their ethical knowledge and behaviour. - Negligent practice- not taking care of your client's problems - Breach of confidentiality - Dependent on client - Sexual relationship with client - Misrepresentation of expertise- claiming an expertise one does not possess.  - Causing harm to client - Practicing beyond scope of competency/expertise - Imposing value's on client- don't impose you values and beliefs on clients as they have their own - Conflicts of Interest- ex: dual relationship, where the role of the counsellor is combined with another relationship, either a professional or personal one.  - Financial- setting fees too high - Improper Advertising - Plagiarism

How The Counseling Sessions Are Conducted

See the video and you will be know how the counseling sessions are conducted. Sorry for the video not very clear.

Professional Aspects of Counseling : Level of Helping

There are three levels of helping relationship : Non-professional, Pra-professional and Professional. 1. Non-professional helper : They are untrained volunteers, family or friends, colleagues, who try to assist those in need 2. Pra-professional helper : These individuals are usually human service workers who have recieved some formal training in human relations skills but work as part of a team rather than as individuals 3. Professional helper : Educated to provide assistance on both a preventative and remedial level. includes counsellors, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, psychiatric nurses and family therapists.

Islamic Counseling : The New Model?

Show this video to know more about the Islmic Counseling. Is it help your? Don't forget share this page to all your beloved friends.

What is the difference between Counseling and Guidance?

1. Counseling is a more inward analysis, whereas guidance is much more external 2. Counseling is in-depth, narrowing down the problem until the client understands his/her own problem, but guidance is broader and comprehensive. 3. Counseling is mostly on personal and social issues, whereas guidance is generally education and career related 4. Focus on counseling is not on the solution but on understanding the problem as it allows the counselor to bring about emotional change or change in feeling 5. But in guidance the focus is on finding a solution, which may bring a change in attitude of the client. Both counseling and guidance can help individuals. However, the contribution of both the counselor and client is vital towards the success of the process. Most problems can be solved with the right amount of dedication, contemplation and understanding.

What Is Islamic Counselling?

All counselling models are based on underlying philosophies about what it means to be a human being and what it means to be healthy. In our model of Islamic Counselling these concepts come from the Islamic Science of the Self (Nafsiyat), developed in Tassawwuf, an aspect of which is repairing the heart. In this framework, human beings are more than simply their bodies or their minds. When problems arise, often we can’t resolve the problem with our minds or our bodies, so we are compelled to open up our hearts in search of understanding. Islamic Counselling is about doing this with someone who is trained to listen to the difficulty of the situation, but also to the deeper potential in the person experiencing it, through powerful but subtle skills.